High-quality UI kits and design resources


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Criptex Framer template for crypto startups is here 🎉

Framer template for crypto and web3 startups

Widgefy Widgets Pack Updated

Sketch and Figma files updated with new features

Droid Mobile UI Kit updated

Sketch and Figma files updated with new features

ByDrive Framer template updated

Framer template for car dealership updated

UI resources for SaaS startups

Multipurpose UI resources

UI resources for Project Management apps

UI resources for DeFI and Crypto startups

UI resources for Fintech startups

UI resources for Marketplaces

Framer Templates

Other UI Kits

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Whether you want to speed up your workflow, create unique designs, or just want to mockup a startup product with our UI kits and templates, we’ve got you covered.

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All of our UI kits well organized and supports all modern tools

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We constantly add new and update existing UI resources

sketch appfigma appsketch resources

All graphics resources designed on free and trending Google fonts

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