Framer Templates

Explore responsive no-code Framer templates for websites


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Droid Mobile UI Kit updated

Sketch and Figma files updated with new features

ByDrive Framer template updated

Framer template for car dealership updated

Get 50% off on our digital goods during the Summer Sale

Get 50% off during the massive Summer Sale

Workze Framer template updated

Numerous bug fixes and template improvements

Available products

Top-notch responsive no-code Framer templates with modern design for your future startup. Create a stunning responsive website theme with customization options for your business needs. All web themes are user-friendly and easily customizable, modify content and styles to make your stunning websites. Using a no-code theme is a great way to get started with your landing page or website, all templates are ready to be used on desktop or mobile devices and provide the best user experiences. Web design never was so easy with no-code templates, no matter if you're an entry-level or experienced designer or developer. Framer templates have built-in easy-to-manage CMS database and e-commerce checkout. Explore our UI store to see if there's a website theme that you like and that this theme aligns similarly to your business idea or startup. Pick one of the premium website templates and get started today.

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Whether you want to speed up your workflow, create unique designs, or just want to mockup a startup product with our UI kits and templates, we’ve got you covered.

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All of our UI kits well organized and supports all modern tools

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We constantly add new and update existing UI resources

sketch appfigma appsketch resources

All graphics resources designed on free and trending Google fonts

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